Summer Sandal Staples

I’m so excited for summer, I can’t wait for the long nights, warm weekends and endless BBQ’s. I’m that excited, I have decided to have a summer themed week on my blog this week! To kick things off, I’ve got my summer sandal staples for you. These are the styles I am lusting over and will be investing in this year (maybe not every pair, I would be skint.)

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A Summers Day


As much as I love the colder months, where you can wrap up warm in layers of clothes and blankets, drinking hot chocolate, and decorating the house at Christmas, I LOVE summer and the vibes it brings. My and my boyfriend; Tom decided to visit a country park recently and it was the perfect time to take some blog pictures! He’s absolutely useless at taking photos normally but I’ll cut him some slack because these actually turned out alright, credit to Tom for taking these photos!

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