My Top Summer Outfits

I love styling up outfits more than I love actually getting dressed in to them. I could spend hours putting together outfits but HATE having to try them on (which normally ends in me looking like a sack of spuds.)

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My Handbag Essentials

Hey guys, so I got a new handbag so felt it was only right to do a blog post based around this and what better way than to show you than what’s inside. So here’s my handbag essentials, the stuff I can’t live without and the stuff you will ALWAYS find in my handbag.

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How To: Survive Christmas Shopping

It’s the most wonderful time of the yearrrrrr! Or should I say, STRESSFUL! Everything is happening this time of year, from deadlines at work/school before the Christmas break, to fitting everything in before the big day. Christmas shopping can be so stressful, which is why I have came up with this little guide, to help you survive those busy shopping days!

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A Summers Day


As much as I love the colder months, where you can wrap up warm in layers of clothes and blankets, drinking hot chocolate, and decorating the house at Christmas, I LOVE summer and the vibes it brings. My and my boyfriend; Tom decided to visit a country park recently and it was the perfect time to take some blog pictures! He’s absolutely useless at taking photos normally but I’ll cut him some slack because these actually turned out alright, credit to Tom for taking these photos!

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